I was joined by a number of members of the Christian Ghetto to talk about the growing tensions along the Texas border between the federal government and the state of Texas. How should Christians think about these issues? Members of the Ghetto are generally in favor of a more muscular response the immigration question in both theory and in practice. How should we think about this theologically? Can we draw on the wisdom of our own long tradition to help us frame a response we can be confident in as Christians. Together with Charles Haywood, The Black Horse, Joshua Abbotoy, Ron Dodson, Bits of Paul, and J. Burden, we spend an enjoyable hour discussing this important topic as it continues to expose the contradictions within the rule of the regime.
Pieces referenced in the discussion:
Josh Abbotoy. “American Crisis.” American Reformer.
John Calvin. Institutes of the Christian Religion. 4.20.4,30-31
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